The Biggest Factor in Landing a Medical Coding Job

So, how do you go from a student learning medical language and ICD-10 to an employable, valuable medical coder?

CareerWize has answered this very question. In fact, this is the thing that sets us apart from any other training out there.

Our virtual internship.

This virtual internship allows our students to practice on actual, redacted medical records, giving them real-world experience without having to go find an employer willing to let them intern for free (which is what most coders have had to do before now).

All employers are looking for is a coder that can do the job. And right now, the only metric they use is the amount of time spent getting experience. This internship will allow coders to certifiably show their comfort, experience, and proficiency. Which gives CareerWize students a distinct advantage in the job marketplace.

Watch the video below to learn more!


Is CareerWize Accredited?


Hospital vs. Physician-Based Medical Coding